Saturday, February 7, 2015

Aftermath- 2500 Team tournament.

Hello! I'm going to try to keep this short, it's a little impromptu and it's 2am here, so i'm going to try to retell the tournament from memory, I haven't quite nailed down note taking for battle reports.

Our list:
Autarch- Jetbike, Mantle of the Laughing God, Fusion Gun
5 Dire Avengers Wave Serpent- Scatter Laser Shuriken Cannon Holo Fields
5 Dire Avengers Wave Serpent- Scatter Laser Shuriken Cannon Holo Fields
5 Dire Avengers Wave Serpent- Scatter Laser Shuriken Cannon Holo Fields
Wraithknight stock
Wriathknight stock

My list was alright, good as I could do at 1250 points. My teammate however is a newer player and doesn't know much about Space Wolves, so his list looked a little more like...

Harald, wolf guy
3 Thunderwolf Calv with Stormshield and Chainswords
5 Bloodclaws-Droppod
Lucas the Trickster
3 Terminators with double wolf claws
Arjac hammer tosser fella
5 Grey Hunters in Wolf flyer transport thing.
6 Long Fangs 1 Lascannon 2 Heavy Bolter 2 Missile Launcher

Yeah, count em up, that's 3 named Characters. I wish I had been able to get together with my friend the night before and help him build the list but I couldn't do a thing, and I thought he had it honestly. Another thing that strikes me is that redundancy is the key to success, and my friend has none. While he had a Pod, there was nothing threatening about it since there were no meltas. Lucas the Trickster is funny, but that's it. He does absolutely nothing when your opponent says "Nah i'll deny the challenge." Arjac is okay but really except for Game 2, he bit the dust after achieving absolutely nothing. The list I built for him after the tournament was:

Wolflord-TWC mount THSS
5 TWC 3 THSS 2 Wolf Claw+SS
10 Grey Hunters 2 Melta 1 Combi melta Droppod
10 Grey Hunters 2 Melta 1 Combi melta Droppod
6 Longfangs 5 Lascannon

I don't know how to play Space Wolves, I don't claim to but I think the above list had a little more punch. Now on to our matches!

Game 1:
Pretty awful right off the bat, we play vs Salamanders and Astra Militarum, and we go second. The Militarum player has 3 Wyverns, anything that steps out of a transport gets toasted. Salamanders deepstrike to get front armor on a Wave Serpent, the 3+ jink thanks to Night Fighting saves well, and my teammates Longfangs are blown away in the alpha strike, and thanks to my (bad) call, TWC are in reserves with the Pod and the Flyer. I inflict minimal damage turn 1, and honestly I just made poor choices telling my friend where to pod, he drops it in their back line to try to glance a Wyvern down with pistols and gets nothing but wiped off on turn 2. Our turn 2 I deepstrike 2 Wraithknights, friend gets Termi-squad in, I deal some damage but it's already a losing fight, and thanks to a bit of slow play on both sides, it's been a long time. Game ends on turn 3, we lose 20-0. I was quite tilted after this game, I felt like I was playing my 1250 list against a 2500 list, my partner had pretty much no punch, and everything he had died or never came on the board. Lunch made me feel better though, and I pulled myself up by the bootstraps going into Game to with an optimistic attitude.

Game 2: record 0-1
Mached up against an Razor Spam Ultramarines+Iron Hands list. We go second, and after nothing happening but forcing 2 jinks on me, we pick out a few vehicles and squash them for first blood. Due to a confusion on if the 1 in in-front of ruins was terrain or not, I got ruled against and I lost a Wraithknight to Grav-cannons from a Centurion Squad that came out of a Landraider. Highlight of the game was my Autarch blowing the landraider to kingdom come and then turboing out the next turn for line breaker. What I didn't count on was that their warlord was alone in the Landraider, so after it blew, A Wave Serpent blasted him away. More or less uneventful after that, game ends 10-0 our win, no one got primary as it was the Relic mission.

Game 3:record 1-1
What better way to wind down than to play 2 Ork armies? Here we fought double Orks and it was pretty fun. Game highlights, My Autarch was shot at by 30 sluggas, no wounds. I Fusion Gunned a Morkanaut, and I Heavy Wraithcannoned a Gorkanaut, both being glorious explosions. I lost 2 Wave Serpents in assault, I wasn't counting on Boarding planks on the Battle Wagons, and I play against Orks so little that the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH escaped my mind, but you learn every day! Game looknig grim at the end, Primary being kill points we were down 6 or so, but when I killed the Mork and Gorkanauts, each had inside a Mek and Scorchas, so each bundle handed us 3 points after wiping them away, we also had first blood and linebreaker, and that cinched Primary. Secondary was Emperors Will, and we tied there, my Autarch Claiming their objective, and their Warboss claiming ours, and tertiary tied as well, and even 4 to 4 on a modified Maelstrom of War chart.

End 2-1, 25 points, 8th of 12 teams.

What did I learn?

  • Wyverns are still a total annoyance, though it's only 1 player that I seem to get paired with at every local tournament that bugs me. 
  • I really need to help my teammate with list building, came in a little unprepared for this.
  • Always discuss terrain, it really hurts when it comes down to an arguement about what is and isn't cover, and you end up being on the losing side. Better safe than sorry, I should have left my Wraithknight on the roof of the ruins.

All in all the last two games were fun, first game was an grind, Room for improvement? Always. The key is to learn from mistakes, and trudge forward to get better.

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